LSD - Artist Statement.jpg
Mapplethorpe Meets Mann
First Tooth #1
Haley on Memorial Day - Age 5
New Cat Ears
The Dead Warbler
Rainy Day Through the Window
Behind Bud's Cabin
Catching Nugget
Haley at 4 in Chair
Dreaming in the Grass
On the Swings
12th Street Razor
Afternoon Dip
Smart Happy Brave
Cartwheel in Napa
The Dancing Dress
Playing Cricket
 Cooling Off
Down the Dirt Road
Through the Light
 Going for a Stroll
Out of the Pool
Channeling Christmas
Queen & Elm
Drowning the Barbies
Schlond Poofa
The 5th Grade Swings
Hanging Out
The Last Day of Summer
LSD - Artist Statement.jpg
Mapplethorpe Meets Mann
Mapplethorpe Meets Mann
First Tooth #1
First Tooth #1
Haley on Memorial Day - Age 5
Haley on Memorial Day - Age 5
New Cat Ears
New Cat Ears
The Dead Warbler
The Dead Warbler
Rainy Day Through the Window
Rainy Day Through the Window
Behind Bud's Cabin
Behind Bud's Cabin
Catching Nugget
Catching Nugget
Haley at 4 in Chair
Haley at 4 in Chair
Dreaming in the Grass
Dreaming in the Grass
On the Swings
On the Swings
12th Street Razor
12th Street Razor
Afternoon Dip
Afternoon Dip
Smart Happy Brave
Smart Happy Brave
Cartwheel in Napa
Cartwheel in Napa
The Dancing Dress
The Dancing Dress
Playing Cricket
Playing Cricket
 Cooling Off

Cooling Off

Down the Dirt Road
Down the Dirt Road
Through the Light
Through the Light
 Going for a Stroll

Going for a Stroll

Out of the Pool
Out of the Pool
Channeling Christmas
Channeling Christmas
Queen & Elm
Queen & Elm
Drowning the Barbies
Drowning the Barbies
Schlond Poofa
Schlond Poofa
The 5th Grade Swings
The 5th Grade Swings
Hanging Out
Hanging Out
The Last Day of Summer
The Last Day of Summer